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High Class Guide - Born Again

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Pets can also go through Ataraxia. However, it is done a little bit different from characters. Pets that have reached 10 Dan need other pets to evolve. Following is the table which shows what pets are required for each pet.

Pet Additional Pet 1 Additional Pet 2 Evolved Pet
White Tiger White Eagle Blue Wolf Heavenly Golden Armored Tiger
Red Bear White Tiger Blue Wolf Heavenly Lunar Bear
White Eagle Red Bear White Tiger Heavenly Thunder Hawk
Blue Wolf Red Bear White Eagle Heavenly Combat Wolf

< Evolution of 10 Dan Combat Pets >

Pet Additional Pet 1 Additional Pet 2 Evolved Pet
White Tiger White Eagle Blue Wolf Heavenly Golden Armored Tiger
Red Bear White Tiger Blue Wolf Heavenly Lunar Bear
White Eagle Red Bear White Tiger Heavenly Thunder Hawk
Blue Wolf Red Bear White Eagle Heavenly Combat Wolf

< Evolution of 10 Dan Mount Pets >

When you bring those pets to a certain NPC, your pet will be made Ataraxia Pet based on a certain chance. If it fails, the 10 Dan pet’s level will decrease to 9 Dan 9 Kyu, and other pets will disappear. The other “material” pets suffice once they are evolved to the said level. There is no level restrictions or advantages for the success level by using higher level material pets. Humanoid pets (Hon, Ryung, Jin..), can evolve without additional pets, and like other pets, when failed, level decreases to 99. Exception from the above condition are the combat pets. They can be made divine by using Blue Wolf, Red Bear, White Eagle, White Tiger. But when failed, all pets will disappear. Also, pets that have gone through Ataraxia can only be used by divine characters.
When these pets die, they could be resurrected with an item called Dead Spirit’s Incense.

* Dead Spirit’s incense cannot be bought in stores. It could only be produced by crafting.