

344 [Hero Guide] Enhancement/Socket Transfer Coupon (Detailed)
Writer GM SSL

Dear Heroes,

We will introduce the [Enhancement/Socket Transfer Coupon] information for your happy journey.
Hope it helps.

[Enhancement/Socket Transfer Coupon]

※ 2024 Note!
1. Enhancement Transfer Coupon can only be used on Non-discriminated items for Non-discriminated transfers and on Discriminated items for Discriminated transfers. (However, if a discriminated item has a non-discriminated reinforcement code, it can only be transferred as non-discriminated.)
2. Enhancement Transfer Coupon allow transfers within the same item category (Weapon → Weapon/Armor
Armor/Acc Acc).
3. It can be used within the same item class (Non-Divine to Non-Divine / Divine to Divine / Darkness to Darkness).
4. An item has been transferred using a Enhancement Transfer Coupon, it cannot be transferred again using another Enhancement Transfer Coupon.
5. Socket Coupon allow transfers within the same item category (Weapon → Weapon/Armor Armor/Acc Acc).
6. It can be used within the same item class (Non-Divine to Non-Divine / Divine to Divine / Darkness to Darkness).
7. An item has been transferred using a Socket Coupon, it cannot be transferred again using another Socket Coupon.

What is the effect of enhancement coupon?
You can transfer your item (Weapon/Armor/Deco/Acc)'s enhancement level to another one.

Weapon → Weapon
Armor → Armor
Deco → Deco
Acc → Acc

Non-discrimination item → Non-discrimination item
Discrimination item
→ Discrimination item

Plus, original items' enhancement level will change level 0 (Question mark-Discrimination).

[Case 1](Available) Discrimination - Armor

Ad.Sura Red Dragon Helm +10 (Purple/Pink) > Cn.Black Moon White Armor +3 (Green)

Then it will change to

Sura Red Dragon Helm +0 (Question Mark)(?)
> Ad.Black Moon White Armor +10 (Purple/Pink)

[Case 2](Avilable) Discrimination - Weapon

Sg. Thunder Electric Staff +11 (Purple/Pink) > Str. Amplified Thunder Dragon Relic +4 (Yellow)
Then it will change to

Thunder Electric Staff +0 (Question Mark)(?)
> Sg. Amplified Thunder Dragon Relic +11 (Pink/Purple)

[Case 3](Available) Non-discrimination

Deathking Sky Sword +13 (Non-d) > Black Dragon Dual Rod +4 (Non-d)
Then it will change to

Deathking Sky Sword +0 (Non-d)
> Black Dragon Dual Rod +13 (Non-d)

[Case 4](Unavailable) Discrimination & Non-discrimination

Jiguk Sky king Armor(R) +10 (Normal/Non-discrimination) > Ag. Shin White Dragon Helmet +0 (Green, Discrimination item)

Mukon Gasp Staff +13 (Normal/Non-discrimination) > Cu. BlackDemon Axe +0 (Green, Discrimination item)

Non-discrimination item → Non-discrimination item (O)
Discrimination item
Discrimination item (O)
Non-discrimination item → Discrimination item (X)
Discrimination item
Non-discrimination item (X)

[Case 5](Unavailable) Weapon/Armor/Accessory Type

Sa.Jiguk Sky King Armor(F) +10 (Yellow)(Armor) > Cu.Blackdemon Axe +0 (Yellow)(Weapon)

Of the item type is not matched, it will not be ale to transfer. (Weapon/Armor/Accessory Type)

Weapon → Weapon
→ Armor
→ Deco
→ Acc

[Case 6](Unavailable) Discrimination with non-d enhancement code > Discrimination

Enhancement Transfer Coupon can only be used on discriminated items for discriminated transfers.
Items changed by the Chi Craftsman cannot be enhanced into different discriminated items.
However, if a discriminated item has a non-discriminated enhancement code, it can only be transferred as non-discriminated.

Discrimination item(with non-d enhancement code)
Discrimination item (X)
Discrimination item(with non-d enhancement code) Non-discrimination item (O)

Since the methods for enhancing items in the code are different, it's challenging for us to transfer them.
Therefore, if you could discriminate only items with discrimination items
and non-discrimination items with non-discrimination items in the code, we would appreciate it.

How to use it? (Enhancement Coupon)
> Please contact our lounge and send a ticket.

1. Socket Coupon allow transfers within the same item category (Weapon → Weapon/Armor Armor/Acc Acc).
2. It can be used within the same item class (Non-Divine to Non-Divine / Divine to Divine / Darkness to Darkness).
3. An item has been transferred using a Socket Coupon, it cannot be transferred again using another Socket Coupon.

What's the effect of socket coupon?
You can transfer your item(Weapon/Armor/Deco/Acc)'s socket effect to another one.

Weapon → Weapon
Armor → Armor
Deco → Deco
Acc → Acc

Non-discrimination item → Non-discrimination item
Discrimination item
→ Discrimination item

Plus, original items' socket effect will change to 0 state.

[Case 1](Available)

Str.Sura Red Dragon's Armor: Def 8%/Arts Def 6%/ATK 8%/Running Speed 2.0/Accuracy 16.
> Sa.Jiguk Sky King Armor: Def 5%

Then it will change to

Str.Sura Red Dragon's Armor: No socket
> Sa.Jiguk Sky King Armor: Def 8%/Arts Def 6%/ATK 8%/Running Speed 2.0/Accuracy 16.

How to use it? (Socket Coupon)
> Please contact our lounge and send a ticket.

If you need other information, please check the Hero Guide Book.

Hope it helps.
(The Guide Book will be updated consistently.)

Best Regards,
Hero Team
