Hello, Heroes!
Finally, new darkness map “Wutai Mountain” has arrived!
Much appreciate Hero players for waiting a new map.
Watai Mountain has a new story of 12 demons and
Let's trace it together!
Furthermore, the new weapon and acc will also be released.
Let's take a look at what’s coming to Hero Plus!
# The Story
Wutai Mountain's spirits and aura have brought peace to the spritual beings.
The cosmetics within the mountain dedicates the bless everyone and the gods.
However recently a quarrel have began with the 12 demons.
Who successfully detect the clue for Wutai Mountain only enter Great Dragon Temple(Cursed Temple).
# New Monster
Various type of the new soul monsters will be added in Hero Plus. (Level from 240 to 245)
▲ From left, <Crazed Soul>, <Phatom Demon>
# Weapon and Armor
The item which has wutai's sprit and aura will be added.
There are Two types of weapons.
- Holy Weapon(Wu)
Monster's in Wutai Mountain will drop material items to craft a new weapon
'Relic: Holy Weapon' materials are dropped in Wutai Mountain.
Total of thirteen different types of material items will be dropped.
*Non-tradable/Non-storage/Non-wearable item.
- Musang Weapon
Collect your materials and craft it with NPC Biryu in Xian.
You are able to obtain Musang Weapon through [Musang Weapon Crafting] Menu.
※How to creat a Musang Weapon
NPC: Xian Biryu
▶ Smelted Bars can be obtained either in the Volcano zones or
collected with fragments.
This can be crafted by Biryu NPC in Xian
▲ From left,<Phantasm Bracelet>, <Phantasm Earring>, <Phantasm Necklace>, <Phantasm Ring>
# 12 demons Story
The last survivors of Twelve Demon Volt...
We still follow the 12 demons's trace.
[Twelve Demon's Quest, Lesson 7]
7-1 Trace
Start NPC: Yuhwa in Xian
Volcano House Member Miryoung knows that Volcano House's story.
After meeting Miryong and Let's find Gaebang House Sukchul in Volcano.
7-2 Awkward Beggar
7-3 Another Request
7-4 Crisis of Volcano House
7-5 Request for Assistance
7-6 Hong-mu
7-7 Escaped Renegade
7-8 Go to Sowa Mountain
7-9 Remove Lady Corpse
7-10 Emergency Treatment
7-11 Defeat Hungry Ogre
7-12 Contact
7-13 8 tigrams amulet
7-14 Re-union
7-15 Small wish
7-16 Great Dragon Temple
7-17 Interest
7-18 Recover
7-19 Trust
7-20 Elder
7-21 Sign
7-22 Tragedy
※ Note)
After finishing the quest lesson 7,
you're able to enter the map "Great Dragon Temple(Cursed Temple)".
[Twelve Demon's Quest Lesson 8]
8-1 Sign
8-2 Tragedy
8-3 Sign of Disaster
8-4 Investigate Wutai Mountain
8-5 Cursed the temple
8-6 Ghost of Warrior
8-7 Trace dark secret
8-8 Ghost of Blood BlackDemon
8-9 Ghost of Woman
At least level 201 player can start 12 demons's quest Lesson 7.
Hero Team